Sunday, January 13, 2013

A Clean Hedgehog

Yesterday, I cleaned out Sticky's entire cage and gave her a big bath. During the week I had isolated the areas she pooped or peed on and cleared those out but we did a gigantic detox yesterday and boy I am so happy we did because it smells terrific now - well not terrific but you know. Anyway, the last couple days I was starting to become upset by the fact that Sticky was getting almost progressively less comfortable with me but after our big bath n' bond yesterday, Sticky is finally getting to like my company (I think... or as much as a hedgehog can)!

Here is also why she needed a big bath (what I woke up to):

And here are some pictures from bath time...

She likes to swim for a bit, and then try to climb out - can not leave this girl alone for a second
(look at this little 'fro!)
My nice and dry little hedgehog :)
Now after her bath, I put her back into her cage, though I had only cleaned out the right side and had not finished putting bedding down on the left side. I put her outside her igloo expecting her to want to go inside but instead she started exploring and even hopped in her little box for a while (of course).
I know these pictures aren't the best quality but it's not the brightest in there and she kind of scampers off quite quickly... and I'm just too lazy to adjust my camera settings most of the time.

But anyway, after watching her explore for a bit, I thought I'd quickly go run for scissors so I could cut open the second bag of pine shavings. I left the yogurt container I had been using to scoop up the old bedding (the cage is so huge that it doesn't really easily fit through the door so I just scooped it into a bag to put it to compost).

When I came back, the girl just slipped inside the yogurt container and found herself a little home. Too cute.

(I tipped it upright to see how she would react but she kind of just explored a bit still)

Annnnnnd the "After" picture

Happy hedgehog!

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